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Cancer Education and Screening
The Light and Salt Association has been committed to promoting cancer prevention. It regularly holds special lectures and seminars, and invites experts, scholars and relevant medical staff to provide the latest cancer information and early screening in the Chinese community, thereby improving Chinese awareness, vigilance and prevention of cancer. , we also provides free screening, including hepatitis B, C screening , colorectal cancer screening, breast cancer screening, community members are welcome to use this resources.

Importance of Hepatitis C Screening

Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C can range from mild illness lasting several weeks to severe long-term illness. Hepatitis C is often described as "acute," meaning a new infection, or "chronic," meaning a long-term infection. Chronic hepatitis C can be a serious illness that can lead to long-term health problems, including liver damage, liver failure, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 15,713 hepatitis C virus-related deaths in 2018, but this number is underestimated.
The incubation period for hepatitis C is two weeks to six months. About 80 percent of people who are initially infected do not experience any symptoms. Conversely, people with acute infection may experience fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, light stool, joint pain, and jaundice.

screening process
1. Take a small amount of blood from the fingertip as a sample
2. Mix the sample with the screening solution
3. Insert the test strip into the screening solution
4. About 20~40 minutes to know the result Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Importance of Colorectal (Large Intestine) Cancer Screening

colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum. Sometimes referred to simply as colon cancer. As shown in the picture, the colon is a part of the large intestine. The rectum is the passage that connects the colon and the anus. Sometimes abnormal growths called polyps form in the colon or rectum. Over time, some polyps can become cancerous. Screening tests can find polyps so that they can be removed before they become cancerous. Screening can also help detect colorectal cancer at an early stage and improve treatment outcomes.

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms

Generally speaking, colorectal cancer has no obvious symptoms in the early stage. But symptoms may include:

  • mild abdominal pain

  • bloating phenomenon

  • frequent diarrhea

  • Significant changes in bowel habits

  • weight loss

  • anemia

  • Blood or mucus in bowel movements.

Screening Guidelines
Starting at age 50, both men and women should have one of these screening programs:
• Fecal occult blood test • Flexible sigmoidoscopy • Colonoscopy • CT colonoscopy (virtual colonoscopy)

Any screening test is used in the absence of symptoms to look for any abnormality or disease. (When a person has symptoms, diagnostic tests are used to find out the cause of the symptoms.) Most colorectal cancers almost always develop from precancerous polyps (abnormal growths) of the colon or rectum. Screening tests can find precancerous polyps so they can be removed before they become cancerous. Screening tests can also detect colorectal cancer early, which can improve treatment outcomes.

Importance of Breast Cancer Screening

breast cancer
Breast cancer is a disease in which breast cancer cells grow abnormally. There are different kinds of breast cancer. The type of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast cancer become cancerous. Breast cancer can spread outside the breast through blood and lymph vessels. When breast cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it can be said that the cancer has metastasized.

high risk group for breast cancer
• Getting older • Genetic mutations • Reproductive history • Dense breasts • Personal history of breast or certain noncancerous breast cancers • Family history of breast or ovarian cancer • Previous treatment with radiation therapy • Taking Women with diethylstilbestrol (DSE) • Lack of moderate exercise • Postmenopausal overweight or obese • Taking hormones • Drinking alcohol

• A new lump in the breast or under the armpit (armpit).
• Part of the breast is thickened or swollen.
• Sunken breast skin.
• Redness or flaking of the skin or breasts in the nipple area.
• Redness or flaking of the skin on the breast.
• nipple traction or pain in the nipple area.
• In addition to breast milk, the nipples secrete other fluids.
• Any changes in breast size or shape.
• Pain anywhere in the breast.

Importance of cervical cancer screening

cervical cancer

All women are at risk for cervical cancer. It is most common in women over the age of 30. Long-term infection with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer. HPV is a common virus that can be passed from one person to another during sex. At least half of sexually active people will have HPV at some point in their lives, but very few women will develop cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Cervical cancer often has no early symptoms or signs, so it is important for women to have regular Pap smears. If the following symptoms appear, please notify your doctor immediately for relevant examinations. Because cervical cancer often spreads to other parts of the body, there are more obvious symptoms.


Our purpose is to utilize and combine the people and resources of the Houston Chinese community to care for those in need. We strive to provide individuals, families, and communities with peace, joy, and a life of hope.

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